Popularization of Online Learning Methods
We can see that distance learning is moving more and more towards online learning modes. In fact, both in the educational and professional world, the arrival of computers in our societies has raised interest in the resulting technologies.
Therefore, we can say that new technologies are now an integral part of several areas of our lives, particularly within the professional sphere. We observe that online learning methods are all the more relevant because they offer the possibility of acquiring new skills related to work.
In such a context, distance learning fits perfectly into an active lifestyle. Indeed, online learning is an asset, as it allows learners to organize their work and study schedules as they wish, in addition to deciding where they wish to take their training.
The Importance of Setting Goals
When creating a training program, the objectives are important to determine upstream, especially since it will later be easier for you to establish the direction of your training. As a result, you will have an easier time structuring and organizing the entire training experience you want to offer.
In addition, defining your goals helps provide a stimulating and memorable experience. You also increase the chances that the engagement rate of your learners will remain high for the entire duration of the training program you are offering. With this in mind, ask yourself these four questions:
- What should be taught?
- What learning needs to be put into practice?
- What result should be obtained?
- What learning context should be created?
This step is crucial since, despite the many advantages that technological tools provide when creating your online training program, several educational activities must be rethought and adjusted according to the technical framework these technologies impose. Following goal setting, it’s a good idea to think about the appropriate training method, depending on the complexity of your topic and content.
Choose an Appropriate Training Method
The challenge is to provide training that will appeal to your learners to complement the overall training program you offer. To achieve this, you must choose the method of training that will facilitate the transmission and assimilation of the material on display.
Synchronous Teaching
First, you have the option of offering your training as a synchronous video conference. This format allows you to teach in real-time and be in direct contact with your learners throughout the training session through a digital platform.
This model allows you to maintain certain proximity with your learners since it allows them to interact, ask questions and initiate discussions. This possibility of real-time exchange allows the trainer to ensure the smooth running of the learning experience, the assimilation and understanding of the concepts covered, and being able to adjust along the way. This format is the one that most closely resembles face-to-face training sessions.
Asynchronous Teaching
You may also offer your training asynchronously. This option is presented in deferred time. It thus takes the form of a video capsule prepared and shared on an online training platform, such as Tuto. The latter is a training platform allowing you to take full control of the creation and distribution of your video clips. Among its many functions, Tuto also allows you to monitor the progress of your learners’ achievements.
Furthermore, the beauty of asynchronous teaching is that the interaction between learners and the trainer takes place through modes of communication that do not require simultaneous presence or connection. This model, therefore, advocates an autonomous learning style that harmonizes perfectly with the reality of our contemporary society.
In all Cases…
Whether you advocate one or the other of these teaching styles, be sure to diversify the educational activities that you will use as part of your online training. Too many exercises of the same type can cause fatigue or slack off, resulting in decreased motivation and disengagement on the part of your learners. Therefore, it is advisable to vary the educational activities and find a balance between individual and group activities and the different modes of teaching. We present some of them to you below.
The Knowledge Transfer Approach
This approach focuses on the transmission of knowledge related to concepts, skills and procedures through illustrations and concrete examples. The words are supported with visuals, such as screenshots and online presentations. This approach can quickly become exhausting since it involves transmitting many pieces of information and requires a high and sustained level of attention. Additionally, this method isn’t interactive. Learners may only watch and try to understand the training content you offer. It is important to use this approach sparingly. You could, for example, use it at the start of your training when the level of attention is high, and then continue with the Collective Learning Approach.
The Collective Learning Approach
Cette approche consiste à susciter la participation de vos apprenants en les invitant, par exemple, à mettre en application les concepts vus lors de la séance de formation. Ici, on invite les apprenants à interagir par rapport à des sujets de formation, à collaborer lors d’exercices de groupe, voire à échanger lors d’évaluations récapitulatives.
In Conclusion
Creating an online training program can seem like a daunting task. By following the tips we have presented to you, you will significantly increase your training program’s chances of success!