Improve the skills development of your employees | Tuto
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Employee Development

Improve the Development of Skills Within your Organization

Create a culture of continuous learning and knowledge transfer and ensure the sustainability of your company’s organizational knowledge.
Attending your Needs

Encourage Employees to Research, Share and Apply their New Skills

  • Increase Productivity

    Develop a work environment that allows your employees to excel and gain confidence.
  • Increase Retention

    Create an environment that promotes knowledge transfer and where talents want to continue to develop their knowledge.
  • A Skills-Based Strategy

    Turn your employees' skills acquisition into increased productivity performance.

Create a Learning Experience Promoting the Empowerment and Autonomy of your Members

Tuto helps implement your content creation plan through the design of playlists and the implementation of engaging courses. You can also follow the progress of your employees thanks to the detailed reports offered by Tuto.

By making Tuto your training delivery tool, you allow your employees to acquire new skills with complete flexibility.

Key Functionalities

The Tools you Need to Train your Employees


Dashboard allowing employees to find all the available training content

Training Units

Training credit distribution system, based on the progression of new employees

Achievement Validation System

Tuto's question-while-listening feature is perfect for keeping your employees' attention while watching a video clip.

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